1976 - 1976: WHEN IT ALL STARTED.


1976 was a really important year for sport as it was the year of the Montreal Olympics and the Winter Olympics at Innsbruck.
A year of new beginnings: The year that saw Jobs and Wozniak change the world when they founded Apple, and an Irish band called U2 changed the history of music forever.
And it was against this backdrop, in the second half of the unforgettable 70’s, a period dominated in by flower power and the hippy movement, that MARSUPIO was founded.
Montebelluna: the heart of the famed sporting footwear district. Business was booming at the time. And it was here that we founded our company. We were ambitious, committed, and possessed a clear vision of where we were going.
Our production was in Italy and we mainly focussed on crafting bags for local companies.
The iconic products of this period were ski-boot bags and ski bag.