Marsupio - WHY MARSUPIO?


We needed a name: we wanted one that would provide a strong, clear and goal-oriented identity.
“Is your company called Marsupio because you only used to sell waist packs?”
In Italian, ‘Marsupio’ means both ‘marsupial’ the animal and ‘waist pack’. So it was no surprise that here in Italy, we got asked this question so often that for us it became something of a ‘FAQ’.
But this isn’t the real reason.

In fact, our inspiration for the name Marsupio is a reference to the kangaroo’s pouch: a container par excellence; in a certain sense you could call it nature’s unique perfectly-formed ‘bag’.
Thus, in combining our love of nature and the quest for an icon to express the product we were offering on the market, the name MARSUPIO was born.
The concept of the kangaroo’s ‘pouch’ – the waist pack – as the ideal container for carrying things is a theme we’ve maintained in our accessories from the very start. And they’re still going strong to this day in the form of Lido, Prisma and Como, models we created in the early 2000s and which we’ve constantly improved and updated over the years.